Friday, 29 June 2012

Aoniken y Luna

Tango or Tornado? This is where art meet aerobics! Aoniken sweeps Luna round the floor and into an thousand delights. Just look at Aoniken's speed at 0.34 and 1.13,  and Luna's reprimand at 1.41! Quite right! But it seems that by 2.04 she has forgiven him. 2.33...came too soon for me!!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Pablo y Mariana

Fresh as a Freesia, and just as pretty. Pablo and Mariana dance a new vals - with a bouquet of nuevo. They have fun, and we learn how vals is at the light, aromatic side of tango. And thanks to Andrew Myers for the tip-off.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Ney and Ellinor

Syncopated in the pink - pretty Ellinor is shown off to her best by Ney here in Toronto. Their dance, as ever, is beautiful, precise and almost flawless. Note Ellinor's superb decoration at 2.35. Another great clip from two top tangueros.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Claudio y Barbara

Despite the gloom, here is a tango that will lift the clouds. Try taking your eyes off Barbara....hard, isn't it! Fluid and connected, she and Claudio dance with pace and verve, and yet a tenderness that draws in and holds their audience.