Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Frederico y Liesl

Piazzolla in the Yellow Room. Argentine tango has so many dimensions, and this is one that caught my eye. Frederico y Liesl choreographed and perform this piece with such style, control, fluidity and connection. Piazzolla would have been proud of them.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Eugenia y Yanick (again)

So you like Eugenia y Yanick? I thought you would! Stylish, fluid, and sexy. Here, with plenty of light on the matter, we can enjoy some of the detail of what makes their dance special.

Eugenia y Yanick

Parilla in the pink. If you can filter out the pink light without squinting, here is a delightful dance. Eugenia, showing, and being shown off to best effect by Yanick's subtle lead.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Maria y Sebastian

Tangocool, Villa Malcolm. Sebastian y Maria with their unique precision and sensitive expression charm the tangueros. Clearly the talent of world champions!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Tango on Ice

Fishing for videos, I came up with tango on ice. A smooth, fast floor, well dressed tangueros, mate to keep them warm and no sign of stilettos, thank goodness! Well done Hamburg!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Chino y Carla

La Viruta...Valentine's Day....Chino y Carla...a lovely vals...and a host of young tangueros. What more would you want?

Pablo y Anabella

A portrait of style and seduction. Pablo y Anabella take us on a most romantic journey with their performance last week at Fiesta Misterio.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Sophia alone

What of the future of Argentine tango? Well, without question, here it is!

Javier y Sabrina

Define gorgeous; then watch this clip....Javier y Sabrina are simply stunning.

Miriam y Leonardo

Miriam y Leonard dance tango and their Californian audience go wild. Hardly surprising for the winners of the 'Superstars of Dance' competition. Having taken classes with them in Dublin I can report that I am in love with them both!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Pablo y Noelia

Sadly no longer Now, but great then, Pablo y Noelia dance to Fresedo's Araca la Cana. Still defining something that we all long to feel.

Miguel y Daiana

Caught in the web? Well the audience here in Beirut clearly are! And rightly, with such a fast and fascinating milonga, weaving a path that even the photographer can't follow.

Sebastian y Roxana

Smooth as silk, subtle, intimate and authentic. Sebastian y Roxana show effortless movement and connection that would grace any milonga.