Monday, 24 December 2012

Adrian y Amanda

If you are full of Christmas turkey, you probably just want to take a quiet walk. This is where Adrian and Amanda can get you off to a good start with their effortless simplicity!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Anibal y Valeria

With Christmas round the corner, we need a little festiveness. Here are Anibal and Valeria at La Milonga Firulete, The Hague, where they adorn with lots of Christmas decorations.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Murat y Michelle

Will you get one, or more than one of Murat y Michelle's videos from their Yolatango workshop on musicality in Austin, Texas? If two, make sure you watch them both. This is accessible tango technique at its best! And don't worry about the space!!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Dante y Inés

Gerard's prompt reminds us just how brilliant Dante and Inés are as exponents of tango salon. Former World Champions - and doesn't it show! Two special dances - slow and smooth, fast and fun.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Sabrina y Ruben

Frivolous, fun and fascinating - this milonga buzzes with life. Watch it to the end - there is a sting in it's tail!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Virginia y Christian

Summer at La Baldosa, Buenos Aires. What joy - Virginia and Christian show a delightful, smooth, sumptuous tango. Just what we need to shake off our damp November weather.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Juan y Stefania

But this is new - just last night at Carablanca, London - Juan y Stefania produce a stylish and connected milonga. Don't they just enjoy playing!

Alejandro y Paola

Ok, its not new, but Alejandro y Paola in this clip show delightful technique worth revisiting in this classy, clean tango. It recounts the real meaning of Argentine tango - at Sunderland, Buenos Aires, a discerning audience, with the joy and contrast of movement and stillness.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Murat y Michelle

It's difficult to stay away from Murat y Michelle for any period of time, with gorgeous dancing like this. Here they show how to make a vals flow, with a little twist of difference. Innovative, calm and clearly appreciated by the Florentine audience.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Roberto y Magdalena

Sharp at Sunderland. Handsome Roberto and stunning Magdalena show us a slick but joyful performance of tango. Watch Magdalena's feet - if your eyes can keep up! A delightful show, enjoyed by a discerning Sunderland crowd.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Maximiliano y Fatima

I am just back from dancing in New York, but could not resist this video from River Tango, London. Maximiliano y Fatima dance with smooth confidence and sensuality. A simply gorgeous performance.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Michelle y Joachim

I have featured their exhibitions before, but never a demonstration. This is just so special, that it deserves a posting here on Argentine Tango Now. Balance, technique, execution and skill - all here to watch and to learn from. So worth 3 mins of your tango time.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Murat y Michelle

Lucky Geneva. Di Sarli and Murat y Michelle - a winning combination of smooth sophistication and great tango.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Los Hermanos Macana

Still going strong, the original and most amusing Hermanos

Ariadna y Fernando, again!

Or would you prefer something more quirky and light hearted? Here, again in Denmark, they make their mark.

Ariadna y Fernando

Precise, subtle and stunning. Ariadna and Fernando give the Danes a lift with their delightful tango.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Noelia y Carlitos

Always fabulous, Noelia and Carlitos keep Moscow on its toes. Such joyful energy!

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Murat y Michelle

So, after Alejandra y Aoniken you wanted something tender? They don't come more tender than this. Murat y Michelle scorch the floor with tenderness and style.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Alejandra y Aoniken

They love it, we love milonga at its fastest! Aoniken sets a pace in Vienna that could only be matched by graceful Alejandra. Great spectacle, fabulous technique.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Sebastian y Maria

Back in February and May I posted videos of Sebastian y Maria. But they don't get much better than this. If you wanted to remind yourself why you love Argentine tango, here is a 10 minute treat. What is the word that comes to mind....perfection?

Mariel y Gonzalo

How could I have realised, when taking my first tango steps in Buenos Aires, that my lovely teachers would reach such dizzy heights? Mariel and Gonzalo dance a beautifully connected tango, with love and joy. Aren't we lucky to have them!

Friday, 20 July 2012

Street milonga outside La Biela, Recoleta, Buenos Aires

This super video captures the reason why we want to be in Buenos Aires. Here, outside La Biela café, Recoleta, the street dancers put on a great show of milonga. So crisp, so much energy.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Dario y Claire

We always knew that Dario y Claire were a perfect dance partnership. Here is the continuing proof. Dancing at l'Escale Borély Marseille they perform a lovely sensual tango with perfect connection.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Marcelo y Lucila again

Oh joy! This is what is feels like when two buses arrive at the same time and you have to choose. Well, I have decided to offer you both. Villa Malcom in Buenos Aires is one of the harder places to perform. If you are not up to scratch, they will kill you. But here, Marcelo y Lucila are totally engaging. A truly delightful milonga.

Marcelo y Lucila

Restrained and tender. What is more precious than the partner in your embrace? Marcelo shows us exactly what is expected, and Lucila demonstrates the rewards that follow.

Michelle y Joachim

Always an inspiration, here Michelle and Joachim take 'Androgyne' to a new tango level. Watch them, if only for the 15 second sequence starting at 3.00. You will then be hooked!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Pablo y Noelia

A year ago this week saw the end of Pablo and Noelia's dance partnership. This is the final moment which says all that needs to be said about Argentine tango.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Aoniken y Luna

Tango or Tornado? This is where art meet aerobics! Aoniken sweeps Luna round the floor and into an thousand delights. Just look at Aoniken's speed at 0.34 and 1.13,  and Luna's reprimand at 1.41! Quite right! But it seems that by 2.04 she has forgiven him. 2.33...came too soon for me!!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Pablo y Mariana

Fresh as a Freesia, and just as pretty. Pablo and Mariana dance a new vals - with a bouquet of nuevo. They have fun, and we learn how vals is at the light, aromatic side of tango. And thanks to Andrew Myers for the tip-off.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Ney and Ellinor

Syncopated in the pink - pretty Ellinor is shown off to her best by Ney here in Toronto. Their dance, as ever, is beautiful, precise and almost flawless. Note Ellinor's superb decoration at 2.35. Another great clip from two top tangueros.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Claudio y Barbara

Despite the gloom, here is a tango that will lift the clouds. Try taking your eyes off Barbara....hard, isn't it! Fluid and connected, she and Claudio dance with pace and verve, and yet a tenderness that draws in and holds their audience.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Michelle y Joachim

Featured in Argentine Tango Now before, we just have to return to Michelle y Joachim for this milonga. Quite exceptional in construction, pace, musicality and precision. It is complexity laminated to simplicity; and it tells you all you need to know about the movement and stillness of milonga.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Slava y Olga

This video shows that you don't have to be Argentine to perform great milonga. Here, from Moscow Slava and Olga put lots of dance into their milonga; its pretty, its connected and very entertaining.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Dario y Claire

Which comes love for Dario y Claire or the joy of watching them dance? Seeing them here in Meschers brings back all of the reasons I took lessons with them. You too could enjoy the Dario y Claire experience this weekend at the tango boot camp in Ardingly.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Sebastian y Maria

Ripplingly smooth, former world champions Sebastian y Maria glide effortlessly through their delightful tango. Try the giros at 1.32 and 1.45. You know you can do it!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Noelia y Carlitos

Last week, Noelia y Carlitos did it again. In terms of tango, Vienna will never be the same. This performance shows how sharp but expressive both can be, with absolutely no doubts about their meticulous musicality. A delight that deserves a place in the tango Hall of Fame here on Argentine Tango Now.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Cristiano y Andrea

The Argentine tango community is one of the most inclusive, and the historical tradition of men dancing together still persists around the world. Here, with great fun is Cristiano y Andrea dancing in Stockholm on Sunday.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Juan y Nora

I see from my mail box that you want more tango and less vals! Yes, the last few postings have been dominated by vals as I love it so much. But for those who want variety, here is the best 'Canyengue Now' that you could ask for. Juan y Nora have made a career from turning this old form of tango into a modern, accessible dance. Here is one of their best postings -it is defined by both the expression on Nora's face, and their reception from their adoring audience!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Fausto y Stephanie

Milonga Si, Bologna. Keep up with Fausto y Stephanie with their fast vals. It is a sheer delight, and don't their audience appreciate it!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Murat y Michelle

There is one big problem with Murat and Michelle when it comes to posting....where to stop! Here from Ann Arbor, Michigan, the most delightful vals - playful, intriguing and novel. Breaking the embrace normally comes at a cost, but with Murat the lyricism of the dance prevails, and the performance enhanced.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Oscar y Ana

Tender, subtle, and so stylish. Oscar delivers a most sensual performance bringing joy in equal shares to Ana and the audience.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Vanessa y Daniel

Bajofondo fun and sensuality. Such delicate content, such rich connection. Vanessa and Daniel demonstrate how young dancers can capture your heart. Follow it through to the end, then enjoy the reprise with that sumptuous colgada.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Thank you, all of you!

A big 'thank you' to all of the blog readers who have emailed me. It seems that you enjoy watching the videos as much as I enjoy posting them. For those who are nervous about posting a comment - don't worry. Go right ahead. All comments are moderated so nobody will bite your head off! Your comments have two consequences: they add variety and interest to the blog; and they increase the blog visibility on the web. So, go on - post your thoughts. Tell me what you like and what you don't. Even a word or a sentence is fine. Everyone's opinion is of interest.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Michelle y Joachim

You want romance? How smooth and subtle is this? Michelle y Joachim demonstrate fabulous communication, connection, musicality and grace in this performance.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Murat y Michelle

Be prepared to be seduced. Murat y Michelle do it again. Another stunning performance, this time, this month in Indiana. And Di Sarli's 'Quien sino tu' just to top off the deal!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Javier y Virginia

Whilst you need an eagle-eye for the detail, this great clip shows perfectly the energy and style of Javier y Virgina. It also demonstrates the reason many tangueros head for Sunderland when visiting Buenos Aires. Sunderland has an atmosphere all of its own, frequently described as unique amongst milongas.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Juan y Carrara

A little glimpse of intimacy. Juan y Carrara are dancing here at Negracha in London - a dance that is so peaceful and graceful. No need for tricks...just simple, pure tango.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Chico y Juana

As ever at the edge of somewhere you probably have not been before, Chicho y Juana still demonstrate pure, essential tango. Honest but imaginative, challenging but reassuring, edgy but consummate. Watch at least twice and you will grow to love it.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Varo y Naomi

Was it planned? Varo and Naomi dance vals....or is it tango? Guys, this is how to walk - girls, this is how to follow. Something for everyone, and lots for the lucky audience at Alpine Milonga.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Fernando y Leonel

New and challenging - Fernando y Leonel take Argentine tango to a new venue, and a different level. Here, within a personal conflict, tango is used as it always has been - to display and resolve innermost feelings.

Yanina y Neri

Smart, sharp - and don't the Oxford audience love them. Well, wisely - Yanina y Neri are two rising stars who dance with both precision and deep connection. Here they show us why we love Argentine tango.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Mariel y Gonzalo

Since their days as Assistant Directors at DNI, Mariel y Gonzalo have gone on from strength to strength. Here they are teaching in Kassel. Their smooth, economical tango is superb, their connection a joy.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Roberto y Jesica

A rare glimpse into a moment of intimacy. Roberto y Jesica dance a silky smooth tango, and capture our hearts.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Osvaldo y Coca

For many years, Osvaldo y Coca have been showing us how to dance vals. They have a new, vibrant following of young energetic tangueros. Watch them here at La Viruta and see what still makes them the special act to follow.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Frederico y Liesl

Piazzolla in the Yellow Room. Argentine tango has so many dimensions, and this is one that caught my eye. Frederico y Liesl choreographed and perform this piece with such style, control, fluidity and connection. Piazzolla would have been proud of them.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Eugenia y Yanick (again)

So you like Eugenia y Yanick? I thought you would! Stylish, fluid, and sexy. Here, with plenty of light on the matter, we can enjoy some of the detail of what makes their dance special.

Eugenia y Yanick

Parilla in the pink. If you can filter out the pink light without squinting, here is a delightful dance. Eugenia, showing, and being shown off to best effect by Yanick's subtle lead.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Maria y Sebastian

Tangocool, Villa Malcolm. Sebastian y Maria with their unique precision and sensitive expression charm the tangueros. Clearly the talent of world champions!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Tango on Ice

Fishing for videos, I came up with tango on ice. A smooth, fast floor, well dressed tangueros, mate to keep them warm and no sign of stilettos, thank goodness! Well done Hamburg!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Chino y Carla

La Viruta...Valentine's Day....Chino y Carla...a lovely vals...and a host of young tangueros. What more would you want?

Pablo y Anabella

A portrait of style and seduction. Pablo y Anabella take us on a most romantic journey with their performance last week at Fiesta Misterio.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Sophia alone

What of the future of Argentine tango? Well, without question, here it is!

Javier y Sabrina

Define gorgeous; then watch this clip....Javier y Sabrina are simply stunning.

Miriam y Leonardo

Miriam y Leonard dance tango and their Californian audience go wild. Hardly surprising for the winners of the 'Superstars of Dance' competition. Having taken classes with them in Dublin I can report that I am in love with them both!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Pablo y Noelia

Sadly no longer Now, but great then, Pablo y Noelia dance to Fresedo's Araca la Cana. Still defining something that we all long to feel.

Miguel y Daiana

Caught in the web? Well the audience here in Beirut clearly are! And rightly, with such a fast and fascinating milonga, weaving a path that even the photographer can't follow.

Sebastian y Roxana

Smooth as silk, subtle, intimate and authentic. Sebastian y Roxana show effortless movement and connection that would grace any milonga.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Mario y Barbara

Pretty Barbara steals the show at La Viruta. Here, dancing of course with Mario, we see why they are such a successful dance partnership.

Diego y Flavia

Sassy Flavia and stylish Diego strut their stuff at Milonga Glorieta, Mendoza. Feel the summer air, the freshness of youth, and enjoy some lovely dancing.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Murat y Michelle

Playful - the kitten and the cat! But which one is which? Murat y Michelle show just how responsive lead and follow can be, and do it with two big Cheshire smiles.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Elina y Tate

"Catch me if you can"! Elina whispered these words into Tate's ear just before the performance. Did Tate succeed? We think he did.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Rodrigo y Gabriela

Can you resist Rodrigo y Gabriela?...and so Milonga 10! Isn't it great that so many younger dancers are appearing in the milongas of Buenos Aires? The sea of grey haired milongueros is giving way to shiny black curls and short skirts (excuse the camera angle), with some great tango.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Peninsula y Jinsuk Muchacha dancing in Seoul this year.

This video of Peninsula y Jinsuk is a must-see for all female leaders (and male ones too)! Come on guys, here is a definite challenge to your monopoly of the lead.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Sebastian y Roxana

Bringing together everything you desire in tango - embrace, contact, communication, sensuality, musicality and tenderness. Look no further than Sebastian y Roxana's delightful 2010 performance from Modena, Italy.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Welcome to Argentine Tango Now

Over the past couple of years on tangoconnections, I have been posting current video clips of Argentine tango performances around the world. For me, it has been both fun and informative to see how tango is changing and developing. Not an expert, but a fascinated observer, I felt that others may enjoy my choice. So here is 'Argentine Tango Now', dedicated to some of the more interesting tangueros, both from Buenos Aires and beyond.